Monday, October 17, 2016

I Like Ike

 Republican admirers coined the phrase "I like Ike" (referring to "Ike", Eisenhower's nickname) in the spring of 1951 as a symbol of their hopes. The "I Like Ike" slogan was created when Peter G. Peterson of Market Facts (he would be Secretary of Commerce for Nixon), did research for the campaign and found out more people wanted to talk about how they trusted and felt comfortable with Ike, but didn't like to describe their views on all the issues. Thus, 'I Like Ike' went on all Ike paraphernalia.

Dwight Eisenhower's presidential campaign was ground breaking in that it was the first political campaign to air television ads. Not only that, but his campaign song was written by Irving Berlin and Walt Disney Studios made one of his campaign ads. Not too shabby for a guy who had to be arm twisted into running in the first place! 

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